Failed to emerge x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.6.2-r1

* ERROR: x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.6.2-r1 failed:
* emake failed
* Call stack:
*, line 54: Called src_compile
* environment, line 3382: Called qt4-build_src_compile
* environment, line 3034: Called build_directories 'src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore' 'tools/designer/src/plugins/qwebview'
* environment, line 597: Called die
* The specific snippet of code:
* emake CC="@echo compiling \$< && $(tc-getCC)" CXX="@echo compiling \$< && $(tc-getCXX)" LINK="@echo linking \$@ && $(tc-getCXX)" || die "emake failed";
* If you need support, post the output of 'emerge --info =x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.6.2-r1',
* the complete build log and the output of 'emerge -pqv =x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.6.2-r1'.
* The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.6.2-r1/temp/build.log'.
* The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.6.2-r1/temp/environment'.
* S: '/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.6.2-r1/work/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.2'

Не могу установить. Стоит лхде, qt-desiner и linguist поставились. В юзах стоят -qt3 -qt4, но установка webkit с флагами qt4 qt3 ничего не меняет.
make.profile -> /usr/portage/profiles/default/linux/x86/10.0/desktop/
USE="X gtk alsa bzip2 clamav cups djvu cdr dvd dvdr ffmpeg gif gimp gzip gstreamer java6 jpeg matroska mp3 mp4 mpeg radius scanner ogg openal opengl dri oss pdf png usb unicode v4l videos wifi win32codecs xvid -networkmanager -kde -qt3 -qt4"

Заранее благодарен за помощь.